Skyline, Alabama DUI Attorney – DUI pending in Skyline, AL ? We can help you! Call (866) 348-2889
Skyline, Alabama DUI Attorney – Lawyer for Skyline, AL DUI Charge. 1000’s of Alabama DUI and Traffic Cases Handled. National College for DUI Defense Member. Certified to Administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. Call us today to begin the conversation about your Skyline, Alabama DUI! (866) 348-2889
A Melrose Park man with 20 prior traffic arrests poured cologne on his chest to mask the smell of alcohol emanating from him during a traffic stop early Wednesday in Riverside, police said.
Daniel Marquez, 34, was charged with one count of aggravated felony DUI and several other offenses after police observed him at 2:40 a.m. taking an abrupt U-turn and weaving from lane to lane in his Ford while traveling west on Forest Avenue at Longcommon Road.
Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer
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