Archives for January 2016

DUI Attorney Carollton, Alabama – DUI Lawyer Help Carollton, AL Drunk Driving Arrest

DUI Attorney Carollton, Alabama – DUI Lawyer Help Carollton, AL Drunk Driving Arrest

DUI Lawyer Carollton, Alabama Joseph Kreps can help you defend your charges of DUI / Drunk Driving / DWI in Carollton, Alabama. DUI Charge in Carollton, Alabama? Call us to learn more – (866) 348-2889 or visit

Carollton, Alabama DUI Lawyer Attorney Kreps is a Member of the National College for DUI Defense and is also Certified per NHTSA Guidelines to Administer the same Standardized Field Sobriety Tests that you were asked to perform on the side of the road. Kreps is also certified per NHTSA Guidelines as a Field Sobriety Test Instructor.

Carollton DUI Charge Pending? Please contact our office to learn more about your Carollton, AL DUI – (866) 348-2889. [email protected]

DUI Lawyer Help Carollton, AL – DUI Attorney Carollton, Alabama

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

Driver’s License Issues

DUI Attorney Cedar Bluff, Alabama – DUI Lawyer Help Cedar Bluff, AL Drunk Driving Arrest

DUI Attorney Cedar Bluff, Alabama – DUI Lawyer Help Cedar Bluff, AL Drunk Driving Arrest

DUI Lawyer Cedar Bluff, Alabama Joseph Kreps can help you defend your charges of DUI / Drunk Driving / DWI in Cedar Bluff, Alabama. DUI Charge in Cedar Bluff, Alabama? Call us to learn more – (866) 348-2889 or visit

Cedar Bluff, Alabama DUI Lawyer Attorney Kreps is a Member of the National College for DUI Defense and is also Certified per NHTSA Guidelines to Administer the same Standardized Field Sobriety Tests that you were asked to perform on the side of the road. Kreps is also certified per NHTSA Guidelines as a Field Sobriety Test Instructor.

Cedar Bluff DUI Charge Pending? Please contact our office to learn more about your Cedar Bluff, AL DUI – (866) 348-2889. [email protected]

DUI Lawyer Help Cedar Bluff, AL – DUI Attorney Cedar Bluff, Alabama

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

Why Fight Your DUI

Gadsden Alabama DUI Attorney

Gadsden Alabama DUI Attorney – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Gadsden Alabama DUI Attorney – Closing out our Thursday with Stop 3 in City of Gadsden, Alabama Municipal Court. Always love representing our clients in Gadsden, AL! – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Call TODAY! Do not wait! (866) 348-2889

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer

3445-DUI-080615-fbnewsfeed 3452-DUI-081215-fbnewsfeed 3490_DUI_081915_fbnewsfeed 3435_DUI_072815-fbnewsfeed 2551_DUI def law_071515-fbnewsfeed

Montgomery Alabama DUI Attorney

Montgomery Alabama DUI Attorney – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Montgomery Alabama DUI Attorney – City of Montgomery, Alabama Municipal Court begins this Thursday afternoon for Kreps Law Firm stop 2 ! Always enjoy seeing friends in Montgomery, AL! – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Call TODAY! Do not wait! (866) 348-2889

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer






Walker County Jasper Alabama DUI Attorney

Walker County Jasper Alabama DUI Attorney – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Walker County Jasper Alabama DUI Attorney – Walker County, Alabama District Court is Stop 1 for this morning for Kreps Law Firm. Always love spending time with our friends in Jasper, AL! – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Call TODAY! Do not wait! (866) 348-2889

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer






Selma, Alabama DUI Lawyer – Charged with DUI in Selma, AL ? Call (866) 348-2889 today to discuss your case.

2551_DUI def law_071515-fbnewsfeedSelma, Alabama DUI Lawyer – Charged with DUI in Selma, AL ? Call (866) 348-2889 today to discuss your case.

Selma, Alabama DUI Lawyer – Selma, AL DUI Charge Attorney. Certified to Administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. 1000’s of Alabama DUI and Traffic Cases Handled. National College for DUI Defense Member. Call us today to begin the conversation about your Selma, Alabama DUI! (866) 348-2889

Longtime Sunnyside School District Superintendent Rick Cole will resign in the wake of his second arrest on drunken driving charges last weekend.

Cole, who has overseen the Yakima Valley’s second largest school district since 1999, has submitted his resignation effective at the end of the school year when he will retire, said Sunnyside School Board President said Stephen Winfree.

Click Here to Read More

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer

Alabama DUI Defense Attorney

Alabama DUI Defense Attorney – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Alabama DUI Defense Attorney Kreps Law Firm – DUI Lawyer Alabama! – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Call TODAY! Do not wait! (866) 348-2889

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer

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Alabaster Alabama DUI Attorney

Alabaster Alabama DUI Attorney – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Alabaster Alabama DUI Attorney – City of Alabaster, Alabama Municipal Court begins this Wednesday morning for Kreps Law Firm Stop 1! Always love our friends in Alabaster, AL! – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Call TODAY! Do not wait! (866) 348-2889

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer






Scottsboro, Alabama DUI Attorney – DUI pending in Scottsboro, AL ? We can help you! Call (866) 348-2889

8084_DUIDefense_fbnewsfeed_121815Scottsboro, Alabama DUI Attorney – DUI pending in Scottsboro, AL ? We can help you! Call (866) 348-2889

Scottsboro, Alabama DUI Attorney – Lawyer for Scottsboro, AL DUI Charge. 1000’s of Alabama DUI and Traffic Cases Handled. National College for DUI Defense Member. Certified to Administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. Call us today to begin the conversation about your Scottsboro, Alabama DUI! (866) 348-2889

A man legally named Santa Claus was arrested after police in Idaho said they saw him driving on the wrong side of the street.

KREM-TV in Spokane, Washington, reports that 67-year-old Claus initially was booked on one count of DUI. He later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving. He paid a $700 fine.

Click Here to Read More

Scottsboro, Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer

Jefferson County Bessemer Alabama DUI Attorney

Jefferson County Bessemer Alabama DUI Attorney – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Jefferson County Bessemer Alabama DUI Attorney – Jefferson County, Alabama District Court is Stop 2 for this Tuesday. Great to Be Back in Birmingham, AL again! – Kreps Law Firm, LLC

Call TODAY! Do not wait! (866) 348-2889

Alabama, Attorney, Dui, Defense, Lawyer






No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.